Barbara Aehnlich review: LAKomp. Lemmatize, annotate and compare texts in non-standardized languages

orcid-icon Francisco Javier Álvarez Carbajal review: The Digital Edition of the Becerro Galicano de San Millán de la Cogolla

orcid-icon Luisa Ammirati review: Paolo Bufalini’s Notebook

orcid-icon Pilar Arrabal Rodríguez review: TEITOK, a visual solution for XML/TEI encoding: editing, annotating and hosting linguistic corpora

orcid-icon Maria Benauer review: At the intersection of sciences, humanities and technologies – A review of the edition humboldt digital

orcid-icon Helena Bermúdez Sabel review: Reviewing the bread and butter of CoReMa, Cooking Recipes of the Middle Ages

orcid-icon Elisa Beshero-Bondar review: A comparative review of The Carlyle Letters Online and The Jane Addams Digital Edition

Katrin Betz review: Rezension des „Corpus Oral de Referencia de la Lengua Española Contempóranea“

orcid-icon Elli Bleeker review: Melville’s Marginalia Online

orcid-icon Yannick Brandenburg review: A Review of, or Practical Thoughts on Digital Editing in Classics

Misha Broughton review: 16th Century Chronicle to 21st Century Edition: A Review of The Diary of Henry Machyn

viaf-icon Julia Burkhardt review: Varitext

orcid-icon Anna Busch review: Erich Mendelsohn Archiv (EMA)

orcid-icon José Calvo Tello review: Corpus of Spanish Golden-Age Sonnets

Theodor Costea review: Review of the Busoni Digital Edition

Kendal Crawford reviews: The William Blake Archive; The William Blake Archive (Upgrade)

orcid-icon Mats Dahlström review: Litteraturbanken

Elpida Perdiki reviews: Stylo, un éditeur pour les sciences humaines et sociales; Transkribus: Reviewing HTR training on (Greek) manuscripts

orcid-icon Lisa Dieckmann review: DER STURM

orcid-icon Wout Dillen review: Litteraturbanken

orcid-icon Bastien Dumont review: TEI Critical Apparatus Toolbox: Web-based tools for ongoing XML-TEI editions

orcid-icon Andrew N. J. Dunning reviews: Rethinking the publication of premodern sources: Petrus Plaoul on the Sentences; Reledmac. Typesetting technology-independent critical editions with LaTeX

orcid-icon Peter Dängeli review: Europäische Religionsfrieden Digital

orcid-icon Franz Fischer review: Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella: The Oldest Commentary Tradition

orcid-icon Greta Franzini review: Spectateurs (Moralische Wochenschriften)

orcid-icon Timo Frühwirth review: Theodor Fontane’s Notebooks: A ‘Digital Genetic-Critical and Commented Edition’

Amanda Gagel review: Women Writers in Review

orcid-icon Selina Galka review: Digitale Edition und Kommentierung der Tagebücher des Fürsten Christian II. von Anhalt-Bernburg (1599–1656)

orcid-icon Tessa Gengnagel review: The ‘Beta Dilemma’ – A Review of the Faust Edition

orcid-icon Sascha Grabsch review: Briefe und Texte aus dem intellektuellen Berlin um 1800

orcid-icon Paula Loreto Granados García review: Hesperia

Christian Griesinger review: Tustep. Review of the Tübinger System von Textverarbeitungs-Programmen

orcid-icon Maximilian Görmar review: Briefportal Leibniz

viaf-icon Susanne Haaf review: Rezension der Deutschsprachigen Wikisource

Richard Hadden review: The Diary of William Godwin

Elise Hanrahan review: Review of Mark Twain's Letters, 1853–1880 of the Mark Twain Project Online

viaf-icon Maja Hartwig review: Mozart Briefe und Dokumente - Online-Edition

orcid-icon Ulrike Henny-Krahmer reviews: Leal Conselheiro Electronic Edition; Bridging edition and corpus: a review of P. S. Post Scriptum: A Digital Archive of Ordinary Writing (Early Modern Portugal and Spain)

orcid-icon Mark J. Hill review: Electronic Enlightenment Scholarly Edition of Correspondence

Mellissa Hinton review: Crossing Brooklyn Ferry: An Online Critical Edition

orcid-icon Tobias Hodel reviews: Digital Mappa – Simple and Web-based Annotations; Europäische Religionsfrieden Digital

orcid-icon Anna Janka review: Digital Mappa – Simple and Web-based Annotations

orcid-icon Dario Kampkaspar review: Deutsches Textarchiv

orcid-icon Dominik Kasper review: Rezension der „Alfred-Escher-Briefedition“

orcid-icon Aodhán Kelly review: Digital Thoreau

orcid-icon Agnes Kim review: Rezension von „InterCorp – Ein mehrsprachiges Parallelkorpus des Tschechischen Nationalkorpus“ (Český národní korpus)

orcid-icon Franziska Klemstein review: Digitale Edition der Augsburger Baumeisterbücher

orcid-icon Helmut W. Klug reviews: Welscher Gast digital; Lyrik des deutschen Mittelalters

orcid-icon Dániel Kozák review: PHI Latin Texts

Joshua Kruchten review: The Casebooks Project

orcid-icon Stephan Kurz review: Briefwechsel Sauer-Seuffert. A ‘Web Platform’ for a Scholars Correspondence (on Editions, among other things)

orcid-icon Sandra König review: Gottfried Semper: Der Stil – Eine Edition im Aufbau

Sarah Lang review: Furnace and Fugue. A multimedia edition of Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens

orcid-icon Sarah Lang review: Review of Perseus Digital Library

viaf-icon Elina Leblanc review: Omeka Classic. Un environnement de recherche pour les éditions scientifiques numériques

orcid-icon Michelle Levy reviews: The William Blake Archive; Jane Austen’s Fiction Manuscripts; The William Blake Archive (Upgrade)

orcid-icon Anna Sofia Lippolis review: Galileo Galilei’s Notes on Motion

Katharina Mahler review: Review of “ShakespearePlaysPlus Text Corpus”

orcid-icon Kerstin Manninger review: Die Tagebücher von Andreas Okopenko (1949–1954)

orcid-icon Merisa A. Martinez review: The Fleischmann Diaries

orcid-icon Sandra Mayer review: Theodor Fontane’s Notebooks: A ‘Digital Genetic-Critical and Commented Edition’

orcid-icon Andreas Mertgens review: Ediarum. A toolbox for editors and developers

orcid-icon Eva Moreda Rodriguez review: Songs of the Victorians

orcid-icon Frederike Neuber review: The Shelley-Godwin Archive: The edition of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Notebooks

orcid-icon Claes Neuefeind review: Rezension von „Europarl“

orcid-icon Turlough O'Riordan review: CELT - Corpus of Electronic texts

orcid-icon Martina Pensalfini review: Catullus Online

orcid-icon Eleonora Peruch review: Decameron Web

orcid-icon Bastian Politycki review: Wolfgang Koeppen Jugend – Rezension der textgenetischen Edition

orcid-icon Christopher Pollin review: A Review of the Königsfelden Online Edition

orcid-icon Torsten Roeder reviews: Juxta Web Service, LERA, and Variance Viewer. Web based collation tools for TEI; Die offene Editionswerkstatt: Carl Maria von Webers Briefe in der digitalen WeGA

orcid-icon Antonio Rojas Castro review: Lope de Vega’s La Dama Boba. Critical edition and digital archive

orcid-icon Patrick Sahle review:

orcid-icon Ruth Sander review: Digital Austin Papers

gnd-icon Oleksii Sapov review: Mei‑friend. A viewer and last-mile editor for MEI score encodings

orcid-icon Torsten Schaßan review: Hugo von Montfort: Das poetische Werk

Werner Scheltjens review: A synergistic approach to non-narrative historical sources. The database and digital edition of the Spängler household account books, 1733–1785

orcid-icon Markus Schnöpf review: Codex Sinaiticus

orcid-icon Martina Scholger review: Paul Klee – Bildnerische Form- und Gestaltungslehre

orcid-icon Walter Scholger review: The 1641 Depositions

orcid-icon Julian Schulz review: Regesta Imperii online

orcid-icon Christof Schöch review: Théâtre Classique

orcid-icon Sabine Seifert review: Darwin Correspondence Project

orcid-icon Anna-Maria Sichani reviews: Literary drafts, genetic criticism and computational technology. The Beckett Digital Manuscript Project; Anemoskala: corpus and concordances for major Modern Greek poets

orcid-icon Rebecca Sierig review: «La Repubblica» Corpus

orcid-icon Elena Spadini review: Processing Dante’s Commedia: From Sanguineti’s Edition to Digital Tools

orcid-icon Philipp Steinkrüger review: Nietzschesource

orcid-icon Daniel Stoxreiter review: Theodor Fontane’s Notebooks: A ‘Digital Genetic-Critical and Commented Edition’

orcid-icon Nadine Sutor review: Friedrich Dürrenmatts Stoffe-Projekt als digitale Edition

orcid-icon Magdalena Turska review: The Correspondence of James McNeill Whistler

orcid-icon Laura Untner review: Walter Benjamin Digital

orcid-icon Lucia Vannini review: Review of “”

Friederike Wein review: Der Zürcher Sommer 1968: Die digitale Edition

orcid-icon Jonas Widmer review: Digital Mappa – Simple and Web-based Annotations

Elisabeth Witzenhausen review: LAKomp. Lemmatize, annotate and compare texts in non-standardized languages